"2019" MAŁGORZATA JASTRZĘBSKA - Meble Vintage - HS Studio na Wilczej 44 - HS Studio



The art of Małgorzata Jastrzębska is rigor - consistently painted color geometric constructions. The arranged world of colors and non-obvious harmonies, implemented according to schemes not always easy to predict, but always addictive, intriguing, and vibrant. You can feel certainty in them, but also a kind of gamble, because I have the impression that, as always, they are made directly on the canvas, without sketches. I have never looked at the artist at work, I have never talked, maybe it would be easier to ask than to comment on it. My ignorance stems from the painter's reluctance to reveal her painting practices. The convention of paintings by Małgorzata Jastrzębska is consistently implemented by her, yet she still surprises with something. This time the novelty is the introduction of the case. Of course, it is a controlled "accident", but still a coincidence: white paint is pouring down the canvas of paintings, carefree splashing is visible on others. White paint, splashes, like an accident at work, or maybe like a gesture of resignation, like letting an unknown on a canvas. The limits of this "case", as you can suppose, are strictly defined, but at the same time still remain random. Maybe it is also a bit of anger, maybe a bit of disbelief in one's own causative power, or maybe a desire to combine together two almost mutually exclusive painting elements and conventions. This surprises the artist in her recent paintings. Bogusław Deptuła
16 May